Wings Home Golf Outing
The 11th annual Wings Home Golf Outing will be held on Saturday, July 27th at Cheshire Hills Golf Course in Allegan, MI. Registration begins at 8:15am with a shotgun start at 9am. The cost is $75 per person with 4 people on a team and includes 18 holes with a cart, lunch, hole events and prizes.
There is no charge to patients or their families to stay at Wings Home. It’s events like this and the generosity of our community that make it possible.
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
American Postal Workers Union #281
Edward Jones- Clayton Schauss
Golf Cars Plus
Terri Lemley
Milbocker & Sons Inc.
R. Smith & Sons Trucking Inc.
Ian & Deb Thorburn
Tibbitts Financial Consulting
Waanders Concrete Co.
Get Involved
Register to Golf
To register to golf, please contact Cheshire Hills Golf Course at 269-673-2882.

Is it Time for Hospice?
Our services extend to Allegan County, Barry County, Kalamazoo County, Van Buren County and the surrounding area. If you’re not sure if you fall within that region or you’re ready to talk, feel free to contact us.